Friday, July 01, 2005

2 New Ads

Revogaming has posted 2 new ads supposedly from their unnamed source. Here are the two new pictures he sent:

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This picture supposedly reveals something about the Revolutionary feature of the Revolution.

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This is a picture of a character in the FPS codenamed "Halo Killer" sometimes called Xenias.

Believe what you will

Source - Revo Gaming

Metroid Prime 3 Info?

gscbw has posted some info about a former team member of theirs contacting Andrew Jones, the lead concept artist behind the Metroid Primes. Here is a snippet of the story:

Andrew has been working on numerous ship designs for Samus' ship... including the inside of it! This gives a little more weight to the idea you will fly from point to point on different worlds, as some people have speculated.

Go to his site to read more about it. I have no idea how reliable this info is but it would be an extremely cool added aspect to the game.

Source - gscbw