New Patent
A new patent has appeared describing what appears to be the Revolution controller with haptic feedback. You can check it out here. I'll be reading it also so I will update whe n I am done.
Well, it appears it is a controller, however, I do not believe it is registered by Nintendo. This is all very confusing. But it appears the controller has a slider, a trackball, and haptic feedback in both the analog stick and the d-pad. I know that the comments under this post will describe it better because people are alot smarter than me at figuring patents and such out.
Well, it appears it is a controller, however, I do not believe it is registered by Nintendo. This is all very confusing. But it appears the controller has a slider, a trackball, and haptic feedback in both the analog stick and the d-pad. I know that the comments under this post will describe it better because people are alot smarter than me at figuring patents and such out.