Friday, July 08, 2005

New Patent

A new patent has appeared describing what appears to be the Revolution controller with haptic feedback. You can check it out here. I'll be reading it also so I will update whe n I am done.



Well, it appears it is a controller, however, I do not believe it is registered by Nintendo. This is all very confusing. But it appears the controller has a slider, a trackball, and haptic feedback in both the analog stick and the d-pad. I know that the comments under this post will describe it better because people are alot smarter than me at figuring patents and such out.

Read this

Check this out

Sounds pretty cool

Another link with same story


New ON Video

A New Nintendo ON Video has showed up.

Looks believable. More importantly, it could have been made by someone else not Pablo Belmonte. Anyway, it certaintly isn't made by Nintendo, although it could have been since it is a video of an actual screen playing the movie and not a computer.

Source - Nintendo Forums

Revolution Game Screen?

This picture was posted by SeriousGamer007 on his blog. According to him it is a real-time screen-shot of what the Revolution can do.

Image hosted by

However, you should also check out this link, ati crytek promotion

Believe what you will

Source - SeriousGamer007 Blog

SeriousGamer007 has his own blog

It was only a matter of time before he decided to create his own blog where he will put information that he has supposedly gathered through deep-research. Here is the link: SeriousGamer007's Blog/King of Gamers

Believe what you will

Exposing the Revolution Answers Questions

You can see what he answered here: Exposing the Revolution

Here is a quote from his latest article

The controller, whilst not straying far from the GameCube's design, has been given a visual upgrade, making it on the whole more "sleek" and supposedly more attractive to casual gamers. The Z-trigger has been moved under the controller, returning to more of a trigger then the GC's controller. There is now a left trigger as well. The buttons have been made to look less like candy, and the analogue stick has been made lower and wider.. It looks very cool. The C-Stick has been replaced, in it's place is kind of egonomic trackball, which you can control with your right finger much like a mouse. The way it was displayed in the video made it look very easy to use, but not having held the controller myself I can't really comment much further then that.
I guess you can see how this might make the emulation of the 64 a little harder. While the controller has the right number of buttons (I counted), it's going to take a while to get used to a new layout for cl***ic games.

To tell you the truth, everthying he has said seems believable to me. However, a trackball? A once used a trackball mouse a despised it. But if he is the real deal, than I am sure that Nintendo would make a trackball actually work well.

Believe what you will